Saturday, May 21, 2016

Fuck You Carbs!

Man do I love food. And I love everything that I should never eat. I also hate vegetables. I will eat them, but most of the time I am really forcing myself to choke them down. This is why I have decided to do the low carb diet. Now I know that eating nothing but fat and meat is not ideal, but this is actually so much easier for me to stick to. I make salads of all low carb veggies and different lettuces/greens. Add a lean protein, and a salad dressing I make myself with healthy fats and I have a delicious meal. This usually gets me by or I really love sautéed chicken breast with steamed green beans or other raw veggies.
Just last week I ordered broiled fish and instead my usual side of potato I got broccoli. I hated it! But i cut it up small and ate the bites of it with my fish. I think this is so important for my girls to see me eating veggies and encouraging them to try them so they don't turn into she-man veggie haters like I am.
When I have a hankering for something  awful I will get a juicy burger and eat it without the bun. This totally satisfied my cravings for something like a slice of pizza or a big bag of chips.
Tonight we ordered pizza and wings for dinner. I ate my wings which usually totally satisfies me, but they just weren't cooked the way I like them and I REALLY wanted to scarf a piece of pizza down. I didn't give in though -or not totally. I did take a small slice of pizza with a ton of cheese and pepperoni on top, just ate the toppings, and tossed the crust. It was so good and just the taste in my mouth that I needed without totally blowing my carb goal for the day.
I typically try to keep it under 20 grams of carbs a day and around 1300-1400 calories. I use the my fitness pal app to keep track of what I eat. I can say that this app really does help. Just to be able to see how many carbs or calories a type of food has been keeping me accountable. There are some foods I put in there and just think holy cap no wonder I have gained so much weight over the years.
When I don't use the app I do go off track a lot easier than if I do use it. It is interesting  to really see what I am putting  into my body, especially when we go out and the nutrition  facts are just not available.
I am still down to minimal exercising, but I did work on my flower bed, weed eated, filled the girls sandbox, and mulched. Needless  to say, I hurt all over today. Like it got hit by a fucking car. Oddly I feel good about it though and I can't wait to get a body work out like that again.
Here is to 18 lbs down and double chin free selfies!

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